About working
Who We Are:
Meira Active is a made in NYC activewear brand dedicated to solving panty problems! We invented Smooth Duo® Leggings and Bike Shorts with Built-in Underwear™ to address discomfort, panty lines, and generally awkward situations when it comes to leggings. We offer women leggings they can rely on without the thought of a panty line, camel toe or bonus - ever having to find the right underwear in a pinch.
Why We Got Started:
When I found myself unemployed and living in the close quarters of an NYC apartment, I found getting out and moving more to be incredibly necessary for my well being. Going from walking my dog to the closest park a mile away, back to my third floor walk up, to a yoga class, then out with my laptop, then walking to get groceries on the way home, going up and down the stairs of my third floor walk up, etc. (you get the idea...), an active and comfortable wardrobe was a necessity yet I was frustrated with my own selection of leggings and underwear and how they didn't feel conducive to my needs and wants. I liked to wear underwear with my leggings but because I was now always moving throughout my day instead of sitting in an office in work attire I experienced the constant shifting, riding up or cutting into my flesh in awkward ways that felt uncomfortable. I wanted to believe there was a better alternative to going commando so I began researching and trying new underwear only to find there was no solution on the market to solve panty related issues with leggings. After talking with other women I realized just how universal these problems were. After working as a designer in the fashion industry for nearly a decade for companies large and small, established to very new, I was ready to channel my experiences as well as my frustrations into creating intentional products that addressed problems. I decided to sketch my ideas and work with a local factory to have them made into the leggings that would become Smooth Duo®.